ioKinetic has the experience, equipment, resources and tools to conduct kinetic modeling for your specific need ― timely, reliably, and cost effectively. Reactive systems behave unpredictably under overpressure conditions. Kinetic modeling provides a way to define the chemistry of the system, both under normal and upset conditions. Our approach couples the measurement and matching of the vapor liquid equilibrium of the system and the kinetic expression. In this manner, we can be sure that the predicted pressure matches the pressure behavior measured in the calorimetric system.
Simulations are useful for investigating and optimizing a particular reaction process or complete system. It can be used to understand the chemistry, evaluate worst-case scenarios, conduct pressure relief system design.
Our unique approach makes use of the proprietary
Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ software from ioMosaic. This unique software has a database of almost 5,000 compounds with the ability to add compounds as needed. The powerful software incorporates vapor-liquid equilibrium, reaction stoichiometry, and reaction rate.
We Can Help
Let our experts at ioKinetic help with your modeling needs.
Call us at 1-844-ioKinetic to speak to an expert regarding your kinetic modeling development needs.