The automatic Pensky-Martens, also known as the PMA 5, is used to determine the temperature at which flammability occurs in a sample with a closed or semi-closed environment. It is a closed-cup tester capable of effectively measuring the flash point at the lowest temperature that an ignition source triggers the vapors of a sample to ignite. Flash point analysis is an important method of hazard identification in the management of processing, storing, and transporting materials as well as fire protection. It is commonly used for testing lubricants, chemicals, and petroleum-based materials as well as biodiesel and distillate fuels (e.x. diesel, heating oil, kerosene), or any potentially flammable liquid.
Our Anton Paar tester has a solid reputation where the operator’s ability to specify heating and stirring parameters generates valid, accurate results with greater precision. The instrument has the ability not only to detect contaminants but also to determine what temperatures will cause your sample to burn, ignite, or cause a fire. Overall, this system generates precise statistical analysis – and quickly.
Automatic Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester manufactured by Anton Paar of Austria
Some Standard Test Methods that the PMA 5 Pensky-Martens Flash Point Tester comply with are:
The flash point tester needs 75 mL for each run and the expected flash point should be between 40°C and 405°C.
Samples can be run "as-received" or prepared in our laboratory. Our test design experts have handled everything from highly toxic or flammable samples, regulated, gas condensation, catalyst injection, and more. Call us at 1-844-ioKinetic to discuss any specific sample preparation needs.
June 25, 2020
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